Course nr. # Course title Title Status Status Category Category Language Language Course city Course city Period Period Free places Places Fee Fee Details
Course nr. 10404 Course title 06/2022: kostenfreies Update-Webinar zu aktuellen Themen - Q2 Status Category Update Webinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee Details
Course nr. 10405 Course title Quality, GMP and GACP Requirements for Medicinal Cannabis and Cannabis Products in the EU and Switzerland – Status Quo (2 part-series |4h content) Status Category Webinar on specialization Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €710.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10408 Course title Quality, GMP and GACP Requirements for Medicinal Cannabis and Cannabis Products in the EU and Switzerland - Part 1 Status Category Webinar on specialization Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €395.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10409 Course title Quality, GMP and GACP Requirements for Medicinal Cannabis and Cannabis Products in the EU and Switzerland – Part 2 Status Category Webinar on specialization Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €395.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10414 Course title Fortgesetzte bzw. fortlaufende Prozessverifizierung in der Pharmazeutischen Herstellung Status Category Vertiefungswebinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €295.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10415 Course title Nachhaltigkeit in der Pharmazeutischen Herstellung Status Category Vertiefungswebinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €530.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10416 Course title Nachhaltigkeit in der Pharmazeutischen Herstellung - Teil 1 Status Category Vertiefungswebinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €295.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10417 Course title Nachhaltigkeit in der Pharmazeutischen Herstellung - Teil 2 Status Category Vertiefungswebinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €295.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10419 Course title Das Wirkstoffdossier für kleine Moleküle - welche Informationen benötige ich vom Wirkstoffhersteller? Status Category Vertiefungswebinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €295.00 plus VAT. Details
Course nr. 10420 Course title Spezialthemen “Impurity Assessment” für kleine Moleküle - 6-teilige Webinarreihe Status Category Vertiefungswebinar Language Course city Period free choice Free places Fee €2,050.00 plus VAT. Details

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